United Kitty Friends - Rental Rules
Hello and welcome to the United Kitty Friends, a secondary KittyCatS! Marketplace.

We hope you will enjoy your stay and sell many of your KittyCatS at UKF!
While you are with us, please watch your land impact and be sure to join our group to be able to rez your cats and decorations.

To join the UKF group, copy any of the link below into your local chat and hit ENTER.
Click the link and join the group.


Land Impact
Touch your rent box for a prim count. Counted is the actual land impact!
So if you rented a 50 prim store, we talk about an actual Land Impact of 50.

TIP: Linking your decorations together might lower the land impact but be careful, sometimes it doesn't.
Especially when you try linking mixed prims like mesh, sculpties and normal prims.
E.G. Linking 10 normal prims might get you DOWN to a LI of 5, while linking 10 normal prims and 1 sculpt prim might bring your LI UP to 20.

Minimum rent is one week.
Once the tier box is paid, it will show the remaining time.

Tiers are to be paid before expiration, with a 72-hour grace period.
You will be sent notice daily until you are in arrears.
Once your tier meter is in arrears, we are able to reclaim your rental.


Please make sure, that your decoration somewhat matches our sim design!

Logo on your Store:
You must put a logo above your entrance, use the Shop signs locates there.

Inside Your Shop:
No Hovertext! Except on the back wall of your store IF you are NOT connected to a neighbor.
You are not allowed to use particles or glow in your decorations to prevent lag.

Renter Service
When you rent a rent box, you have the option to add Subtenants.
You could for example add an alt or breeder partner and share the store with them.
Your allowed LI amount will not change.

Contact our Rental Manager if you need some one added to your Rentalbox.
